What We Do
People have the right to make choices about their lives. Families formed GIFTS to ensure their sons and daughters were supported to participate in activities of their choice in the community. GIFTS provide access to resources and information that promote full citizenship of all people.
Transition Planning
In partnership with SD64, GIFTS assist high school students in planning for their future. PATH (Planning Alternative Tomorrows of Hope), designed by Marsha Forest and Jack Pearpoint, is used as a primary planning tool in this process. The intention is to help students plan for their lives beyond high school, connecting them to people, resources and services that support their long-term goals.
Community Inclusion
GIFTS facilitates meaningful choice of participation in community. Whether the activity is working independently, in supportive environments, volunteering or participating in community recreational and social groups, people need to be fulfilling and enjoying personal goals. At GIFTS, an individualized support plan is developed for each person and that plan guides the support team. The support team consists of support workers, family, employers and community members, who are hired and matched for compatibility with the person. Typically, these supports are funding by Community Living British Columbia.
GIFTS support people with disabilities in finding the most suitable living option for their needs. Regardless of a person's level of independence, each option should promote growth, independence, participation in community and be secure and supportive. Some people live with their families, others live with a 'host family', and some live independently or with roommates in their own homes or apartments.